Ing. Janka Sudzinová, PhD.
Digitálne na hodinách angličtiny
Dňa 26. septembra sme si pripomenuli Európsky deň jazykov. Cieľom Európskeho dňa jazykov podľa
Ročníkové práce 5A
Podľa definícií uvádzaných vo viacerých slovníkoch a rôznych zdrojoch je šikana úmyselné zlé správanie, ktoré sa často opakuje.
Svetový deň učenia vonku
Svetový deň učenia vonku je celosvetovou aktivitou, ktorej cieľom je inšpirovať pedagógov a žiakov k využívaniu prírody, ako najlepšej učebne a vymeniť ju za klasické triedy v školách.
Svetový deň vody na našej škole
Voda - najdôležitejšia a zároveň najrozšírenejšia látka na Zemi. Vyskytuje sa vo všetkých obaloch Zeme, je nevyhnutnou súčasťou tiel organizmov, vrátane ľudského tela. 22. marec bol vyhlásený ako Svetový deň vody organizáciou Spojených národov v r. 1992.
Záverečné výstupy projektu
Digital Stories - SLOVAKIA - The Right To Play
Here are the main outputs from the 1st short - term exchange of groups of pupils which took place in Slovakia, Humenne, 10th February 2020 to 14th February 2020
TEAM_1_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_1_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_1_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_2_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_2_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_2_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_2_Digital story in ITALIAN
TEAM_2_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_3_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_3_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Place For Filming - SLOVAKIA
It was difficult task for our students but they were hard-working and the collaboration and cooperation in the international teams during the 1st short - term exchange of the groups of the pupils was such a great.
Here are the final outputs of five international teams about the place they are going to use for filming their digital stories about the Right to play.
Team No. 1 in ENGLISH
Team No. 1 - Mannor House in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Team No. 1 - Mannor House in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Team No. 2 - in ENGLISH
Team No. 2 - Mannor House in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Team No.2 - Mannor House in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Team No. 3 - in ENGLISH
Team No. 3 - Mannor House in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Team No.3 - Mannor House in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Team No. 4 - in ENGLISH
Team No. 4 - Mannor House in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Team No. 4- Mannor House in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Team No. 5 - in ENGLISH
Team No. 5 - Mannor House in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
Team No. 5 - Mannor House in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
(1- 5) in GREEK
Mannor House for all teams in PORTUGUESE
Digital Stories - ITALY - The Right To Have A Family
Here are the main outputs from the 4th short - term exchange of groups of pupils which took place in Catanzaro, Italy, 20th June 2022 to 24th June 2022.
TEAM_1_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_1_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_1_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_2_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_2_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_2_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_2_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_3_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_3_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_3_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_3_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_4_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_4_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_4_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_4_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_5_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_5_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_5_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_5_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
Place For Filming - ITALY
Place for filmining in Italy, Catanzaro
in official project language - English
Introducing the place of filming by Italian school before filming
Digital Stories - PORTUGAL - The Right To Have An Opinion
Here are the main outputs from the 3rd short - term exchange of groups of pupils which took place in Familicao, Portugal, 16th May 2022 to 20th May 2022.
TEAM_1_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_1_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_1_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_2_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_2_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_2_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_2_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_3_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_3_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_3_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_3_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_4_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_4_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_4_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_4_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_5_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_5_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_5_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_5_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
Place For Filming - PORTUGAL
This is the place we chose for digital story in Portugal
Rua Direita-Famalicão
The description of the place which was chosen by hosting school from Portugal:
Rua Direita is one of the oldest and most important
streets in Vila Nova de Famalicão.
It is a true picture postcard of the city.
In the 19th century, Rua Direita was the political and
social center of the then town, and the first Town Hall
was located in the Casa da Cultura, when the
municipality was founded in 1835.
In the early 19th century, Rua Direita was almost the
only street in this modest village and mandatory
passage for anyone who crossed it, going from Porto
to Braga, Barcelos or Guimarães...
This way Rua Direita would be the shortest route
between entering and leaving the village.
Here are the final outputs of five international teams about the place with historical and cultural meaning in Famalicão
Digital Stories - GREECE - Everyone Must Know Child Rights
Here are the main outputs from the 2nd short - term exchange of groups of pupils which took place in Archanes, Crete, Greece, 2nd May 2022 to 6th May 2022
TEAM_1_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_1_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_1_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_1_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_2_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_2_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_2_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_2_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_2_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_3_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_3_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_3_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_3_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_3_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_4_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_4_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_4_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_4_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_4_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
TEAM_5_Digital story in ENGLISH
TEAM_5_Digital story in SLOVAK LANGUAGE
TEAM_5_Digital story in ITALIAN LANGUAGE
TEAM_5_Digital story in GREEK
TEAM_5_Digital story in PORTUGUESE
Place For Filming - GREECE
The place which was chosen by hosting school from Greece and its description:
Archanes village
Fourni forest
Filming place description in national languages:
The places where we will record digital story (video)
Mobilita Taliansko - Deň 5
Záverečný deň mobility bol zároveň posledným dňom, ktorý ukončil plánované krátkodobé výmeny skupín žiakov v rámci riešenia projektu programu Erasmus+, Detské práva v digitálnych príbehoch.
Mobilita Taliansko - Deň 4
Predposledné dopoludnie poslednej mobility projektu Detské práva v digitálnych príbehoch strávili naši žiaci spolu s ich spolužiakmi z Portugalska, Grécka a Talianska znova pracovne.
Mobilita Taliansko - Deň 3
Tretí deň mobility sa už tradične spája s dňom exkurzií a outdoorových vyučovacích hodín. Výnimkou nebola ani táto mobilita.
Mobilita Taliansko - Deň 2
Dopoludnajšie hodiny druhého dňa mobility strávili naši žiaci v laviciach talianskej školy. Rozdelení do piatich medzinárodných tímov v zastúpení každej partnerskej krajiny začali pracovať na hlavných projektových výstupoch mobility.
Mobilita Taliansko - Deň 1
Dnešným dňom začala posledná plánovaná krátkodobá výmena skupín žiakov v rámci projektu Detské práva v digitálnych príbehoch, ktorý je školským partnerským projektom programu Erasmus+.